1/2/3/4/5 (silver version-on sale!)/6/7
I’m a horrible procrastinator, so of course I haven’t started my holiday shopping.  Thankfully, I’m not buying for a lot of people, mainly family this year.  My friends and I tend to take each other out to dinner so we get to have a great company and great food(did I mention I’m a foodie?).  The guys in my family all want tech gifts and they have to give me a list since I’m a techno idiot…  

My mom is the most difficult person to buy for and I normally buy her a few smaller gifts, instead of one big gift.  Mom is always adding small things to update her wardrobe.  She loves everything leopard (must be where I got it!) and this leopard clutch is a great break from her normal black bags.  She also loves to rock a statement necklace and I love the reddish-pink jewels in this version from J. Crew.  She wears a lot of black (are you sensing a trend?)  and the jewels on this necklace would provide a great pop of color.  My Mom is also a tea fiend, so a monogrammed cup with her initial would be a cute way for her to enjoy her morning cup(s) of tea.  Thankfully, I still have a few days before the shipping deadlines, so I can still get my shopping done without having to go to the mall!

Have a great day!