
Hi, I know it has been awhile.  Thank you for the sweet messages checking in on me.

The second half of 2016 was quite the roller coaster ride!  It started with my old company eliminating my job.  Even though I knew it was the kick in ass I needed to go and find something better, it was still hard not to take it personally.  After leaving my job, I was in a place where I needed to focus on myself and get head straight.  Talking about clothing (or anything really) on the blog didn’t flow naturally (especially when I wasn’t really shopping a lot, lol!).  I made the commitment to myself to take a break from blogging and Instagram to focus on finding a new job, being present in the moment, and getting back/staying in a good place.  When I’m stressed, I don’t want to bother other people with my problems.  Of course, I’ve learned is the exact opposite of what I should do.

My confidence was shaken.  I’m sure others have struggled with this as well, but I’m so proud of myself for bouncing back even stronger than before after this job “surprise”.  I won’t keep you in suspense, but I have a new job which I love!  My friends will definitely tell you the job search was a little bit of a roller coaster ride.  However, I firmly believe everything happens for a reason.  The coolest thing, apart from all of the interesting people I met during the my search, was seeing how I regained and improved my confidence.  I think stepping out and asking for help from my friends had a lot to do with that.

Thankfully, I also managed to fit a little fun into my job hunting!  From traveling to Europe for a friend’s wedding by myself (!) to cheering friends on in a half marathon from Napa to Sonoma to grabbing coffee and lunches with friends, taking this break was an enormous recharge for me.  I need to figure out how to build a 4 month break in every few years more naturally!

The start of new year is always a time of reflection and I will be sharing more around my birthday next week, but I learned 3 big things from my funployment.

  • The importance of being present. There were so many moments that didn’t make it to Instagram or Facebook, but that is okay.  It is so much more fun to be in the moment than worrying about trying to capture it or my to-do list.  I’ve promised myself I will continue to be present this year.
  • A daily gratitude practice is a game changer! I currently use this journal to write down 3 things I’m grateful for everyday and I’m a much more positive person (still with a little sarcasm!).
  • People genuinely want to help you if you are willing to ask for help. Wow, I wish I learned this before I got into my 30s….  I am so thankful to everyone who helped with an introduction, interview prep, or even just kind words when I was feeling down.  It definitely made my job search so much better!

I’m sorry this is so long, but all of this is to say, I’m excited to be back.  It may take me a few weeks to get back to 3x/week posting since I’m a little short on outfit photos.  #bloggerproblems.  I plan to incorporate more lifestyle posts (my life, travel, Atlanta) and share more with you guys.  Thank you so much for all of your support and please let me know if there are any topics you would love to see!


Linking up with Sincerely Jenna Marie, More Pieces of Me, Fizz and Frosting, Lip Gloss and Crayons, Pink Sole, Elegantly FashionableThe Fashion Canvas, Walking in Memphis in High Heels, Bless Her Heart Y’all, Two Peas in a Blog, Cute and Little, Elegantly Dressed & Stylish

Keep up with everything on Instagram and Bloglovin